The duration required to fix an elevator is a question many property owners, managers, and residents often find themselves asking. It’s an understandable query, given the pivotal role that elevators play in ensuring the smooth operations of multi-story buildings.

However, the answer is not always straightforward as several factors influence how long it takes to fix an elevator.

In a commercial or residential setting, a well-maintained elevator normally experiences between 0.5 and 2 breaks per year, of which 20% or 0.4 are severe (a person getting stuck inside a lift car).

It’s vital for building owners to understand how long elevator repairs should take on average. This can not only help you plan appropriately, but it can also help you anticipate the amount of downtime that your clients or tenants may experience during elevator outages. To help you be as prepared as possible, we will go over a few factors that may impact elevator repair time estimates in this blog post.

The role of a commercial elevator

The type of lift repair that is required is one of the first things to think about. Certain elevator maintenance and repairs, such those for the doors or mechanical parts, can need several hours to complete. On the other hand, more intricate electrical system repairs can take many days or even weeks to finish. Furthermore, how to obtain a precise quotation for your particular circumstance.

Commercial facilities depend heavily on commercial lifts, so having them out of commission for an extended length of time is the last thing you want. It’s critical to be aware of the approximate duration of lift repairs during any outage.

Factors Influencing the Repair Time

The time it takes to fix an elevator largely depends on a variety of factors. The most significant among these include the type and extent of the damage, availability of replacement parts, and the expertise of the technicians involved.

Type and Extent of Damage

Minor issues such as faulty door sensors or lighting fixtures can often be resolved within a few hours. However, major problems like malfunctions in the elevator control system may take several days to rectify.

Availability of Replacement Parts

If the repair process requires replacement parts that are not readily available, the repair duration may extend. The waiting time for elevator parts can vary based on their rarity and the supply chain’s efficiency.

Expertise of Technicians

The skill level and experience of the technicians undertaking the repair work also play a crucial role in determining how long it takes to fix an elevator. Experienced professionals equipped with advanced diagnostic tools can often complete repair tasks more swiftly and efficiently.

Other Considerations

Apart from the factors mentioned above, several other variables can influence the duration of elevator repair. These include the frequency and intensity of use, weather conditions, and accessibility to the malfunctioning elevator.

  • Frequency and Intensity of Use: Elevators that are frequently used or carry heavy loads may experience more wear and tear, potentially leading to more frequent repairs.
  • Weather Conditions: Adverse weather conditions, such as extreme temperatures or heavy rainfall, can also affect the functionality of elevators and may require additional time for repairs.
  • Accessibility: The location of the malfunctioning elevator and ease of access to it can also impact how long it takes to fix. If the elevator is located in a hard-to-reach area, technicians may require more time to reach and repair the issue.

How to avoid costly repairs with regular elevator maintenance

Regular lift maintenance can help prevent most elevator repairs. Depending on the issue, lift repairs might range from small to large. While large repairs can take days or even weeks, minor elevator repairs can be completed in a few hours.

Owners of buildings should plan ahead and be ready for the likelihood of a lengthy restoration period.

The safety of the lift should always come first and should be taken into account when making repairs. Owners of buildings should be informed about the lift repair procedure and what to anticipate in terms of repair costs, duration, and safety.

Building owners can minimise the damage to their company and ensure the safety of their clients by being prepared.

  • Arranging routine inspections for maintenance and arranging a maintenance contract
  • Doing a quarterly review of building needs that includes a lift proposal review and LOLER inspection
  • Putting your tenants’ or hotel guests’ safety first while doing hotel lift repairs

Contact elevator maintenance professionals

The first thing to do if your lift needs repair is to get in touch with a reputable lift service provider. After evaluating the issue, they will be able to provide you an estimate for the repairs. Obtaining numerous estimates is important for comparing costs and services.

Following your selection of a company, they will arrange a time to complete the repairs. The technical nature of the problem will determine how long the repairs take to complete, or you may even have to consider new elevator installation.

Looking for professional lift maintenance and repairs?

In conclusion, the duration required to fix an elevator can vary significantly depending on several factors. It is essential to work with reputable and experienced elevator maintenance companies that can accurately diagnose issues and efficiently resolve them. 

By understanding these factors, property owners and managers can better manage expectations when scheduling elevator repairs, ensuring minimal disruptions to building operations and residents’ daily routines.

Future Lift Services is a lift company with expertise in lift repairs, installation, maintenance, and modernisation for all types of commercial and residential facilities.

Get in touch with us today to find out more about our modern lift services or to request a free, no-obligation quote with us, based in London and Essex!

How long does it take to fix an elevator FAQs

How long do lifts take to fix?

More significant renovations will require many weeks to complete, while minor renovations may only take a few days. Additionally, the lift won’t be operational during this time.

How often should elevators be replaced?

For maximum efficiency and safety, your lift’s travelling cables, operating panel and cables should all be replaced after it has reached its 20th year of age. The controller and dispatcher in your lift should be changed after 20 to 25 years of operation.

How often do elevators break?

In general, a lift that experiences one malfunction every two months is deemed dependable. Weekly problems indicate that either not enough or not enough maintenance is being done at this time.